Nice work.
One of your sketches at the beginning of this flash looked just like Kathy haggerty (kathyhaggerty dot com)!
She used to be my secretary at Saatchi and Saatchi advertising about a million years ago.
You are arguably one of the most talented flashers on this site (along with me, of course).
Hey, I'm working on a flash called "the legion of stereotypes" which is about a team of superheros (like the x-men etc.) who are all stereotypes (duh) I.E. Blackman, gayman, jewman (I could use me for the model) and blond woman.
I really want to use your opening music for the opening music of "The legion of Stereotypes". My drawing (of lack of) style is nothing like yours and my plot is nothing like anything you've ever done (other than it will get a lot of zeros and tens in the reviews).
I can give you an “opening theme music inspired by” credit and a link if you want.
I'm going to use it anyway, mind you, I'd just like your blessing on it.
P.S. You are now on my teeny tiny favorite artists list.
P.P.S. I didn’t write the review to your “vagina” movie, my wife did.